2011 Superleague Awards
Club Top 10 & Club Champion
Position | Name | Sport | Points |
Club Champion | Wayne Flinn | Cricket | 784 points |
2nd | Peter Shine | Cricket | 608 points |
Equal 3rd | Karl Heckmann Jnr | Cricket | 592 points |
Equal 3rd | Alex Jesensek | Cricket | 592 points |
5th | Belinda Halley | Netball | 490 points |
6th | Leigh Paterson | Cricket | 480 points |
7th | Rowena Halley | Netball | 462 Points |
Equal 8th | Kath Brown | Netball | 448 points |
Equal 8th | Matt Pfuhl | Cricket | 448 points |
10th | Andrew Oudin | Netball | 406 points |

Other Awards
Best First Year Player – Cricket
Nominations: Rob Shill, Liam Maguire, Jarrod Burns, Leigh Paterson, Tate Volitakis
And the winners is Leigh Paterson
Most Improved Player – Cricket
Nominations: Jack O’Neill, Dave Worthington, Rob Shill, Wayne Flinn, Phil Hiah
And the winners is Jack O’Neill
Best Utility Player – Cricket
Nominations: Peter Shine, Karl Heckmann Jnr, Rob Shill, Wayne Flinn, Phil Hiah
And the winners is Karl Heckmann Jnr
Best First Year Player – Netball
Nominations: Kate McCarthy, Sara Bond, Rob McGuinness, Kim Huynh
And the winners is Kim Huynh
Most Improved Player – Netball
Nominations: Renne Hilton, Meloney Groppi, Amelia Ralph, Marcel Laniers
And the winners is Meloney Groppi
Best Utility Player – Netball
Nominations: Amelia Ralph, Shirley Sciascia, Leslie North, Leeanne Dainer
And the winners is Leslie North
Best Club Person
Nominations: Phil Hiah, Carol Halley, Nola Dillon, Shirley Sciascia, Steve Long
And the winner is Steve Long